These pdf documents are designed to provide an overview of how we require your art work to be prepared when you are supplying art work to us for printing.

Colour Studios Artwork Guidepdf

Product templates: Most product pages in the sections “Modular display and printing” and “Recyclable displays” also provide product specific templates with dimensions to assist with setting up artwork for those specific products. Please visit the specific product page to access these documents.

We have an FTP file transfer service available from every page. Follow the link on the far right on the grey bar at the bottom of the page. You will need to contact us to receive a log in and a password.

Art working and design assistance: we would be happy to advise and assist with the settling up of your artwork so if you do need further assistance please contact us.

Art working and design service: we provide a complete creative service in-house so if you would like us to create your art work or designs for you please get in touch.

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01761 431300 (option 3)